Fox News Exclusive: House GOP keeps government open for another two days, funds GOP priorities

(Fox News) House Republican leaders have decided to keep Republicans in Washington for an additional two days and are expected to bring a stopgap funding bill to the floor Wednesday, a congressional aide tells Fox News.

With no GOP agreement on a larger bill to fund the government past Friday, the House is expected to vote on a two-week stopgap funding bill at a noon vote on Wednesday, the aide said. Republicans are working on budget for the post-Christmas recess but have not settled on an official spending plan, multiple GOP sources said.

House GOP leaders have been trying to work out an agreement that includes a permanent immigration fix for Dreamers and makes the border wall a priority. That plan was off the table over the weekend when House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) drew widespread criticism from fellow Republicans for failing to include the immigration language.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) were not in favor of another shutdown.

We’re waiting to hear from the House leadership as well as the White House on the revised bill.

We’ll be back with more details as they come in.

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